Thursday, March 3, 2011

Teaching the Active child Spanish

My youngest son is 3 years old. We adopted him from Taiwan when he was about 6 months old. He's speech delayed in English so I haven't worked too much with him on learning Spanish or French. We've just been concentrating on English. However, now we're in Europe and he really does need to learn some French and Spanish. He's a bit hyper and it's hard to find something to keep his interest. The one thing I did finally find was to use what he was already playing with and add a little Spanish, to it!

He was playing with his little cars from the movie "Cars" and wanted nothing to do with what I wanted him to do. So, I just got down on the floor with him and started to play with some of his cars. I started to line them up and say the numbers in Spanish. Soon he began to follow and repeat what I said. Granted, it didn't last too long as he was off and running to his next activity, but this is a start. So, the moral of the story is to use whatever motivation you can find and take your child's lead as well.

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