Saturday, November 20, 2010

Memory Rhythm Game to Learn Body Parts in Spanish

Here's a fun memory game to help your children learn their body parts in Spanish.

Clap your hands and establish a rhythm together. Then, within your rhythm point to one body part and say the name. Next, start over with the same rhythm point to that first body part and say its name and then add another one. Start over and keep adding body parts to it.

Here are some body parts in Spanish:

head -el brazo
nose – la nariz
eye - el ojo
mouth – la boca
hair – el pelo
arm – el brazo
hand – la mano
finger – el dedo
back – la espalda
foot – el pie

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome to Spanish for Little Learners!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Spanish for Little Learners. This is a blog where I will share the activities that I use with my own children while I teach them how to speak Spanish. Hopefully some people out there will find it useful and will be able to use these activities with their own children.

I home school my 3 children. I have a 7 year old boy, a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. I think that they are all at the perfect age to learn a foreign language. I have already been teaching them how to speak French and now I want to add Spanish to their schooling.